portrait of my love in red and gold
the night i got mountain-high
and fell asleep in a swath of rose-colored blankets,
i dreamt about your back.
What 13-year-old Me wanted to hear
“Hello everyone! If you don’t know who I am, my name is Charlie and I’m the happy couple’s unwanted child,” I boasted at the start of my wedding speech.
Unapologetic Affection with Hannah Leigh
Media today would have us believe there is only one queer narrative to tell, often missing the communal part of the queer experience. Friendship – the delicious, validating euphoria of finding your people and lifting them up through shared experience and joy.
A love letter to my best friend
Is this love? I don't know. I want to hold you tight and keep you warm when you cry, I want to dry your tears and hold your hands in mine.
The 5 Best Places to Cry in Los Angeles
Now is the winter of our discontent. The Santa Ana winds blow dull days through our sprawling gray city, and the occasional blip of sunshine only serves to strengthen our collective yearning for a spring still so far out of reach.
soul sister
I drink mint tea and chew sunflower seeds
On the Sunday afternoons we do not frolic.
Same plexiglass, Different Box
At the petco near where my cousin lived,
Before she slept the big sleep,
there was a bird.
Ode to the Catskills and To You
september came like a baby,
like a wail of a train as it disappears
behind a mountain.
For My Friend, With love
We met on the path in the trees,
next to the sunset floating on the lake,
immediately recognizing each other’s
magic– like fairies do.
title: declaration in citrus (i want to give tiny oranges to all of my friends)
it’s a bigger poem, about a smaller orange.
The Sleepover
When we were kids and Haley would come to spend the night at my house, she would always show up with this big, quilted duffle bag. She used it for everything: family vacations and cheer competitions and sleepaway camp.
Graveyard Grems
We met in a graveyard in 2017.
That’s not quite right. We cemented our budding friendship while running a 5k in a graveyard.
Edmund White can be considered one of the godfathers of the queer literary mafia. Present at the Stonewall Inn when the legendary riots began in 1969, his epic career began with the novel Forgetting Elena (1973) as well as co-authoring the original Joy of Gay Sex (1977).
More than a lover’s kiss
Fell in love and into your lap;
you lay at my knee,
July warmth picking at my nose.
30. Phở Tái / Rare Beef Steak ................. ($11.45)
If you ask me, “Do you want to go to Miss Saigon?” I will say yes. Every time. I respond, “Who’s driving? Me or you?”
The thing about loving you
The thing about loving you
Is that it's always,
And it doesn't have a name
It comes from a time
when the universe was nameless;