
I don’t know how to tell you what I am feeling 

If I walked through a day 

Like it was my first day on earth 

What would I notice?


How would my fingers feel on my hands?

And how would the breath feel 

Finding its way to my lungs? 

How would it hurt to stand, 

Aching against gravity 

And how would it hurt to love? 

If today was my first day, 

Would I notice the hummingbirds? 

Would I notice the flower 

Growing, defiantly, on the hill? 

And would I notice those rocks 

Crumbling down the hill? 

Would I notice her smile 

More than the others? 

Would I be shocked to feel myself eat? 

Would I want to kiss, 

Or be fearful, 

Or run in the rain? 

Would I care about being enough? 

I may have walked these steps before

But I love her in a way I haven’t known:

It is childish, it is fresh. 

It is something to feel. 

And what a gift, even, 

To feel these tears.

Sara Childrey

Sara Childrey (they/them) is a queer non-binary performer and writer in Los Angeles. Right now, they love putting bows in their hair, black sweatpants, and cinnamon on cappuccinos. Childrey has previously self-published two poetry zines: Cigarette Soup and Poems about Sara, and written the short film, Choreographing Camille. Their work is reflective of their queerness, journey with mental health, and being obsessed with their friends. Thank you Chloe for being their muse and best boss ever. They can be found @sarachildrey on Instagram.


you buy yourself your own sazon


How it feels to fall