The first time I had a conversation in Italian,
I thought I was going crazy.
Words spilled from my mouth like a hot spring,
Seeping up from my core.
I didn't really know what I was saying,
I just knew
I was being honest.
It was sound, and secret, and meaning beyond definition.
It was terrifying, and exciting, and seemed a miracle.
There was no thought, no pre-planning,
Just feelings,
Some basic truth bubbling out of me.
And when the man smiled,
And nodded,
And spoke,
I didn't understand it.
I couldn’t have translated word for word.
But I got it.
It made sense,
Some psychic message imported into me
Knowledge watering a garden
That before had only been dust.
I love Italian. I’m better at it now.
But I still chase that First Conversation,
Sipping at Greek and gulping down Mandarin,
Excited for that moment
When language seems to dissolve,
And magic arrives.